FITB Members

The FITB works with its National Federation members and volunteers across the world. There are 3 main statuses a country may have:

  • Member: the National Federation is a member of the FITB
  • FITB Representative: the country has a FITB volunteer appointed to develop tchoukball
  • Contact: the FITB has contacts in the country and is working towards representation or membership

We use the official International Olympic Committee (IOC) names and codes for the countries and territories below. The list is in order of country name.

FlagIOC CodeCountryNational FederationStatus
AFG Afghanistan   Contact
ALG Algeria   FITB Representative
ANG Angola   FITB Representative
ARG Argentina Asociacion TchoukBall Argentino (ATBA) Member
AUS Australia   Contact
AUT Austria Austrian Tchoukball Federation (ATBF) Member
BAN Bangladesh Bangladesh Tchoukball Association (BTA) Member
BEL Belgium   FITB Representative
BEN Benin Fédération Béninoise de Tchoukball (FBTk) Member
BHU Bhutan   FITB Representative
BOL Bolivia   Contact
BRA Brazil Associação Brasileira de Tchoukball (ABTB) Member
BRU Brunei Darussalam   Contact
BUR Burkina Faso Association Burkinabe de Tchoukball (ABT) Member
BDI Burundi   Contact
CAM Cambodia   FITB Representative
CMR Cameroon Cameroon Tchoukball Association (CTA) Member
CAN Canada   Member
CHI Chile   FITB Representative
CHN China   Contact
COL Colombia Tchoukball Colombia Asociación (ATBC) Member
COM Comoros   Contact
CRC Costa Rica Asociación deportiva para el Desarrollo del Tchoukball en Costa Rica (ATBCR) Member
CIV Côte d'Ivoire Federation Ivoirienne de Tchoukball (FIVT) Member
CZE Czech Republic Czech Association of Tchoukball (CAT) Member
DOM Dominican Republic   Contact
COD DR Congo Fédération Congolaise de Tchoukball (Fecotchouk) Member
ECU Ecuador   Contact
EGY Egypt   Contact
ETH Ethiopia   Contact
FIJ Fiji   Contact
FIN Finland   Contact
FRA France Fédération des Clubs Français de Tchoukball (FFTB) Member
GER Germany Deutscher Tchoukball Verband e.V. (DTBV) Member
GHA Ghana Ghana Tchoukball Association (GTA) Member
GRE Greece   Contact
GUM Guam   Contact
GUA Guatamala   Contact
GUI Guinea Fédération Guinéenne de Tchoukball (FGT) Member
HAI Haiti Fédération Haitienne de Tchoukball (FHTB Member
HON Honduras   Contact
HKG Hong Kong, China Tchoukball Association of Hong Kong, China (TAHKC) Member
HUN Hungary Tchoukball Hungary Sport Association Member
ISL Iceland   Contact
IND India Indian Tchoukball Federation (ITBF) Member
INA Indonesia Persatuan Tchoukball Seluruh Indonesia (PTBSI) Member
ISR Israel   Contact
ITA Italy Tchoukball Italia (TBI) Member
JAP Japan Japan Tchoukball Association (JTBA) Member
KEN Kenya Kenya Tchoukball Federation (KTF) Member
LAO Laos   FITB Representative
LBR Liberia   Contact
MAC Macau, China China-Macau Tchoukball General Association (MTA) Member
MAS Malaysia Malaysia Tchoukball Association (MTBA) Member
MLT Malta   Contact
MRI Mauritius Tchoukball Association Mauritius (TAM) Member
MEX Mexico Federación Mexicana Tchoukball A.C. (FMTB) Member
MGL Mongolia Mongolian Tcoukball Federation (MTF) FITB Representative
MAR Morocco Association Sportive Essaouira Tchoukball (ASTE) Member
MYA Myanmar   FITB Representative
NEP Nepal Nepal Tchoukball Federation (NTBF) Member
NED Netherlands   FITB Representative
NZL New Zealand   Contact
NGR Nigeria   Contact
NOR Norway   Contact
PAK Pakistan Pakistan Tchoukball Federation (PTBF) Member
PAR Paraguay   Contact
PER Peru   Contact
PHI Philippines Tchoukball Association of the Philippines (TAP) Member
POL Poland Stowarzyszenie Kultury Fizycznej ( Member
POR Portugal   FITB Representative
ROU Romania   Contact
RUS Russia   Contact
RWA Rwanda Federation Rwandaise de Tchoukball (FERWATCHOU) Member
SEN Senegal Association Tchoukball Senegal (ATS) Member
SGP Singapore Tchoukball Association of Singapore (TBAS) Member
SVK Slovakia   FITB Representative
KOR South Korea Korea Tchoukball Federation (KTF) Member
ESP Spain Asociación Española de Tchoukball (AETB) Member
SRI Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Tchoukball Association (SLTA) Member
SWE Sweden   Contact
SUI Switzerland Swiss Tchoukball Member
TAN Tanzania Tanzania Tchoukball Association (TTA) Member
THA Thailand Tchoukball Association of Thailand (TBAT) Member
TOG Togo Fédération Togolaise de Tchoukball (FETOTCHOUK) Member
TPE Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Tchoukball Association Member
TUN Tunisia   Contact
TUR Turkey   Contact
UGA Uganda Uganda Tchoukball Association (UTA) Member
UAE United Arab Emirates   Member
GBR United Kingdom Tchoukball UK (TUK) Member
USA United States of America United States Tchoukball Association (USTBA) Member
URU Uruguay Asociación Uruguaya de Tchoukball (AUTB) Member
VEN Venezuela   FITB Representative
VIE Viet Nam Vietnam Tchoukball Association (VTA) Member
ZIM Zimbabwe   FITB Representative


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