Equipment Suppliers
The FITB uses a process known as "homologation" to accredit suppliers who make tchoukball equipment. It is vital that tchoukball equipment is made according to precise specifications in order for participants to appreciate the game fully. The companies below have all submitted their products to the FITB and our staff have subjected the products to a rigorous examination process, testing the technical requirements of the product as well as its durability.
Homologated products are awarded either an "A" quality certification of quality for the very best equipment to be used in our highest levels of competitions or a "B" level certificate for general use in an educational setting or for beginner to intermediate level players.
Select a category below to see details about our suppliers:
"A" quality FITB homologated frames are the best tchoukball frames available. They are the standard we use in our own continental and world level competitions, designed to last for many years and enable the perfect rebound from the net.
"B" quality frames are an ideal choice for purchasing tchoukball equipment for a beginner to intermediate level. They are good quality equipment, perfect for schools and other educational settings.
"A" quality tchoukballs are used in our continental and world level competitions. They are naturally easy to grip and will keep their shape over many months of use.
"A" quality kneepads are specially designed for tchoukball. Players kneeling to defend in tchoukball will appreciate the generous padding around the top of the knee, protecting them from damage to the knees from impact as well as being extremely comfortable and well-fitting for long-term use.