Paraguay Promotion 2024

Paraguay Promotion 2024

FITB President Chris went to Paraguay Capiata School hosting a FITB C level coach seminar.

There are 11 candidates from a sports university who came to learn and are looking forward to teaching Tchoukball in their school.

After two days of coach seminar, Chris accompanied Paraguay Tchoukball President Ms Olga with her team Ms Alicia and Mr Jose B, spending the whole day visiting the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sports, and Taiwan Ambassador of the Paraguayan Embassy, Trying to introducing Tchoukball to them. It is grateful to Ambassador Han for knowing about the Light of Taiwan movement and for being willing to help. We subsidize equipment, assist with transportation, and the government provides coaching training to create a triple win! With the only embassy in South America willing to assist, Paraguay will be better in the future.

Good news is that Paraguay will start to register the first Paraguay Tchoukball association with the government to meet the regulation that set up five tchoukball clubs. The International Federation expects to add one more member “Paraguay” in the future!

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